
Hi There,  I’m currently testing the integration using PipeChimp and have set up the system with both API keys, It says that a run took place and was successful but no contacts were created in Mailchimp from my Pipedrive contacts (the user I am using has access to 4 contacts, two of whom have email addresses.
The integration run screen says: Last time when data was transfered from Pipedrive to Mailchimp* OK2017-03-23 12:47 duration 12 sec *Data is transferred only when there are changes Next run (approximately)2017-03-23 12:50
Its currently 14:34 (GMT) and its been stuck saying that next run time for a while. Is there something i’ve missed in set up that I need to do?   Thanks Sam


Hello Sam,
For some reason your MailChimp API key is no valid anymore. Maybe it has been disabled or removed from MailChimp. 

Please check the API key from MailChimp.