
before I acquire pipechimp I have one question concerning the connection between Mailchimp and Pipedrive.
Whenever there is a new subscriber to Mailchimp (they are coming via our website and use a contact formular) I would like the following to be happening:
(i) If the contact is already existing in Pipedrive: There has to be the information that the person gets the newsletter (we have a field „Information“ in Pipedrive, where a can choose „Newsletter“).
(ii) If the contact does not exist yet: The contact shall be created and the „Newsletter“-Information should be marked.
Also, I want to import all my Pipedrive contacts into Mailchimp soon. When I do this, I want the same thing: All the contacts that I imported shall get marked as “Receive the newsletter” in Pipedrive.
Is that possible?
Thanks in advance!


Hello Fabian,
Thank you for asking.
Pipechimp considers Pipedrive as data master. So it copies contacts from Pipedrive to MailChimp. Not the other way around.
So you can achieve the things You’re asking for at following process:

– When you connect Pipedrive and MailChimp with Pipechimp it will import all your Pipedrive contacts to MailChimp. It will also add information about the Newsletter subscription if you have that kind of field in Pipedrive. Pipechimp account is personal so it will synchronize only the API Key owner. So if you have several sales persons every sales person should have their own Pipechimp connection.

– You can automate your newsletter subscriptions so that you connect your web page subcription form to Pipedrive first with that Newsletter information. Then when a person is added to Pipedrive Pipechimp will automatically add that person to Mailchimp. Many subscription forms can be connected to Pipedrive directly or you can use for example Zapier to do it.
You can connect Pipechimp to an old Mailchimp list too and Pipechimp will update contacts if they are already on the list.

NOTE that connecting to an old list will synchronize the last 50 activities of subscribers to Pipedrive as notes and clicks to deals if those settings are enabled in Pipechimp at the initial round.

I hope that this answered to Your question.